Remove Corrupt Judge Caren Loguercio from Suffolk County Family Court

Remove Corrupt Judge Caren Loguercio from Suffolk County Family Court. Bully on the bench, sexual harassment complaints from her staff, and aids abusers in getting custody. She’s on Damon’s list of judges aiding molesters and abusers! She is extremely biased against single moms! Victims inbox me constantly! Time to end the abuse of power and save the children! #Save_Sadie_Savannah_FBPAGE

Family Court Judge Caren Loguercio acts in an undignified manner during proceedings and created massive delays in cases involving children designated to be resolved quickly. This Judge turns a blind eye on blatant child abuse and neglect. She is listed on Damon’s List of Judges aiding abusers and molesters! She awarded an abusive father Cornelius Fliedner who referred to his child Sadie Savannah Fliedner as a “bastard child” sole custody with a history of domestic violence with his ex wife Emily, a video of him drunk driving with domestic violence in the video, (You Tube Corey Fliedner drunk driving domestic violence) impetigo without medical attention for a week inflicted upon Sadie, black eyes, admittance of leaving the child alone. Mr. Fliedner deemed narcissistic by the court appointed psychologist with testimony that the fathers disorder was detrimental to Sadie. This Judge left Sadie in the fathers care when he was charged with endangering the welfare of a child (Sadie) and a different Judge Colleen Fondoulos issued a restraining order against the father for the drunk driving video with domestic violence against the mother Susan DeMelfi, impetigo, and putting Sadie under a pick up truck naked and still Judge Caren Loguercio left Sadie in the fathers care. 

#Save_Sadie_Savannah_FBPAGE. Judge Caren Loguercio refused to recuse herself on March 2, 2017 for her blatant misconduct on the case but ultimately recused herself on December 6, 2018 after sending Sadie to an abuser. This Judge has a sexual harassment complaint against her from her male law clerk and complaints she degrades her female staff. We don’t want Judge Loguercio’s blind eye of negligence to lead to the death of another innocent child. Judge Caren Loguercio needs to be removed from the bench for her gross misconduct! 
